About me
About me
I was 100% sure that I would not be a photographer.
In 2020 we bought a country house in the village of Žiogeliai, Dzūkija, for weekends. There were a lot of birds flying outside the window. I bought binoculars. Then a monocle. Then a mobile phone case for the monocle and finally a camera. After the camera, I started to look at what additional equipment I needed – flashes, rulers, mounts, software, etc. It cost a lot, but I could experiment and learn. I also got interested in macro photography, for which I had to buy additional equipment.
In 2022 we moved to Žiogeliai.
And so a new hobby was born. Now I spend all my free time outdoors – photography, mushroom picking, fishing – but most of my time is spent on photography.
Once when I was editing photos, I tried to experiment with colour, brightness, contrast and other features. Another hobby has evolved – to create a photo that evokes good emotions, is bright and positive. The first work was STARLING. I started to imagine what the work could look like printed and hung on the wall.
In 2023 new artist neighbours moved into our village. At the first meeting it turned out that they were doing professional printing. There are only 17 houses in the village and one of them is professionally printing! Unbelievable! I decided to print my first works. Later I was invited to an exhibition in the village as a resident, where my photographs STARLING and ATALANTA were exhibited for the first time.
SAULA because I am Saulius. saula.space – because I invite you to visit my space.
And so began my new journey into a new world.